Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Hook Lane is a “Good” school.

Summary of Key Findings:   

We are very proud of our most recent Ofsted report following our inspection on 24th and 25th May 2023. These are some of the key findings from the inspection:

  • Pupils are happy and safe at this school.
  • Pupils from different backgrounds and with different needs play and learn together harmoniously.
  • Pupils study a well-thought-out curriculum. This includes pupils with SEND who access the same rich curriculum as their classmates.
  • Leaders have developed a genuine sense of community here so that parents and carers feel involved in school life.
  • Leaders and teachers have high expectations for what pupils can achieve.
  • Confidence-building starts in the very early years. 
  • Pupils with SEND are quickly identified and are very well supported to study the same curriculum as their classmates.
  • A rich and stimulating learning environment in the early years encourages pupils to recognise letters and sounds.
  • Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They know that unkind or discriminatory language is not tolerated.
  • Leaders ensure that pupils are developed beyond the academic curriculum. As well as the wide range of enrichment activities in school, pupils are encouraged to be active and kind citizens.
  • Leaders have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for further improvement. Staff are proud to work in the school.
  • Leaders have established a culture of vigilance in the school and act swiftly upon any concerns raised. Pupils feel safe.

What will we be working to improve further?

  • We will make sure that teachers are clear about what the most important content is for each subject so that pupils learn more of the curriculum. 


See the full report below:

10268856 hook lane primary school 147240 final.pdf