Our Approach to teaching and learning
Making Connections
At Hook Lane we serve a curriculum that is rich with narrative links. Children are introduced to new knowledge in a progressive, sequenced structure which enables them to not only build on what they have learned before, but also to see the connections with other subject disciplines, developing a web of information which help them to make sense of big, ambitious concepts.
Fearless Learners
We provide all children with a stimulating learning environment and offer a broad, balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children; preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We set up the right conditions to encourage children to become 'Fearless Learners': to take risks, learn from mistakes and develop into confident orators who seek out challenge.
Learning Beyond The Classroom
Our curriculum is enriched with real-life experiences, making the most of our local environment, our community and our excellent public transport links. Children see their learning in real life contexts through trips and visitors, with every class aiming for at least one outing or visitor in school in each half-term. Children in Captivate Class work towards local community trips including weekly shopping trips to the supermarket to develop life skills. SEN children participate in specific SEN sports festivals and competitions throughout the school year at different venues across the borough and Greater London.
Working Together In Partnership
Parents are actively encouraged to enhance their children's learning both by being part of events at school and by being given the tools and knowledge to practise and consolidate skills at home. At least once each year, parents will be invited to attend their child's Big Outcome; a creative, child-led showcase of the learning that has taken place in a particular subject area or linked subject areas. This helps parents to appreciate the depth of knowledge that their children have acquired while also ensuring that the children are able to retain that knowledge and develop the skill set to pass it on confidently to others.
At Hook Lane we follow the DfE National Curriculum in England: Key Stages 1 and 2 and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is a statutory programme of study and attainment targets for all subjects taught in the Primary phase. We also follow the Bexley Agreed Syllabus for the teaching of RE.
The national curriculum aims to provide all pupils with "the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens". It sets out a core knowledge which forms the grounding upon which our teachers enhance the children's knowledge, whilst building their understanding and skills through exciting and stimulating lessons and the application of a wider school curriculum.
In Captivate Class, the children spending all of their day in the Resource Provision environment follow themed learning over a rolling programme of 3 years. This focuses on key values for life and developing effective communication as well as independent life skills.
For more information on the Hook Lane curriculum, you can browse our curriculum maps or contact Hook Lane’s Curriculum Leader Steph Hill by emailing spate.303@hooklane-maritime.org.
Curriculum Maps
- Reading
- Writing
- SPaG