Our SEND Offer
All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. We aim for a curriculum where learning activities can be undertaken at a variety of levels and in a variety of different ways that are tailored to meet the individual needs of the child. Our school is fully accessible by wheelchair with designated toilets with disabled access.
We will support a child with their learning and development, and ensure that they are fully included in all school activities, whilst helping them to appreciate and build on their individual strengths and social independence.
We make every effort to identify, assess, support and review pupils' special educational needs in line with the SEN Code of Practice and target early intervention to maximise and unlock their potential at the earliest opportunity. We make full use of externally provided facilities and support services where appropriate and regularly signpost parents to local services and work with them to identify the next steps for their child.
Pupils with recognised needs are supported across the curriculum by a team of Teaching Assistants; either within the classroom 1:1 or small group, or through attending Intervention Groups outside of the classroom.
Ms Kelly - Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Manager
Intervention Groups
Quality first teaching within classrooms and in class support where available is always the first strand of support for your child.
We are able to offer limited Intervention support outside of the classroom depending on staff availability. These are run on a termly basis to offer additional support for children where concerns have been raised, either by a member of staff or parents. Each child on an Intervention is regularly assessed so that their progress can be measured, and so that they can be removed from the Intervention in a timely fashion.
Class Teachers liaise with the Teaching Assistants and receive termly evaluations and assessment data for each child accessing an intervention.
Some Interventions such as Speech and Language groups are long term programmes and follow set targets and objectives set by a Speech and Language Therapist. Sensory diets are followed for those children with a recognised condition and a programme set by an Occupational Therapist.
- Lexia
- Precision Teaching
- Write away together
- Numbots
- Times Tables Rockstars
- Headstart Maths
- Precision Teaching
Speech and Language
- Reception Narrative programme
- Speaking and Listening through Narrative programme
- Oral to Written Narrative programme
- Active Listening
- Memory Magic programme
- The Listening programme
Motor Coordination
- Jump Ahead
- Sensory circuits
Social Development
- Social skills
- Turn taking
- Social skills cooking group
- Messy play
- Snack time
- Lunch club
- Lego Club
Emotional Well-being
- Therapeutic Play- Draw and Talk and Sand Tray therapy
- Anger Management
- Behaviour Management
- Self esteem
- ASD diagnosis sharing
- Sensory room sessions
- Yr6 whole class transition work
Further Information on the Hook Lane SEND Offer
Information on the Bexley Local Offer
Hook Lane SEN Information Report 2023 - 2024
parent carer strategies leaflet.pdf
Support Services
Bexley Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)
National Autistic Society - Bexley
Parent Information Leaflets
Continence, constipation and toileting
Community Paediatric Audiology
Pre-school speech and language
School-aged speech and language
Children's community nursing team
How You Can Help Your Child At Home
Speech, language and communication - Super Speaker videos