Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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School Uniform

The Hook Lane school uniform colours are navy and white.

In addition to their day wear, children will need a P.E. kit (which they wear to school on their PE days), an apron/overall for painting and a book bag. We also recommend a cap, for all children, for hot weather.

Children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 will also need wet weather clothes and wellington boots to take part in Forest School activities. 

Please remember to put your child's name on all of their uniform items - this helps us return it to you if your child loses it.

Uniform items

  • Navy Skirt/Pinafore dress
  • Grey School Shorts/Trousers
  • White Polo Shirt
  • Navy Cardigan/Sweatshirt/Fleece
  • White, Grey or Navy Socks/Tights
  • Blue and White Checked Summer Dress
  • Navy Cap
  • Nursery Only: Navy Joggers
  • Black school shoes 

P.E. Kit

    • White T-Shirt
    • Navy Shorts
    • Navy Joggers
    • Black Plimsolls
  • Trainers for Outdoor P.E.


How do I shop for the Hook Lane School Uniform?

Uniform which includes the school logo can be obtained from one of two outlets:



Simply visit the MyClothing website and search for ‘Hook Lane Primary School’ in the search bar.

Please be aware that some embroidered items may take up to 28 days to be delivered during the Summer term.  


Casey's Schoolwear

Simply visit the Casey’s Schoolwear website, and select ‘Hook Lane Primary School’ from the ‘Primary School’ drop down menu. 

Or purchase in- store, here:


Casey’s Schoolwear

246 Blackfen Road



DA15 8PW


Uniform with the school logo is not compulsory. If you would rather purchase uniform without the logo, please note that plain navy and white uniform is acceptable and can be purchased from many other different retailers.

Our School Uniform policy is available here.