Year 1
Aims and Expectations
- Introduce and familiarise the children to formal lessons. This is a gradual change with lessons taking place in the morning, whilst afternoons are more free flowing. By the end of the Autumn term, formal days are completely established.
- Home reading book change. You will be notified about which day your child’s books will be changed.
- P.E days are Monday and Thursday for Reflect and Monday and Friday for Strive. All children must wear a full PE kit to school on these days.
- Introduce responsibility. Your child will be issued with a School Diary. This should be brought into school every day. We are not able to check the diary every day. Please tell your child if there is a message for us and to give us their diary.
Reading & Writing
- We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme. There is a website with information for parents which you may find helpful.
- Read storybooks and non-fiction books closely matched to their developing phonic knowledge
- Take home storybooks to share
- Read with fluency and expression
- Learn to spell using known sounds
- Write confidently by practising what they want to write out loud first
- Work well with a partner.
- Number/calculation
- Read and write numbers to 20
- Count to 100
- Count in steps of 2, 5 and 10
- Identify 1 more and 1 less
- Know number bonds up to 20
- Carry out addition and subtraction and use +, - and = symbols
- Solve one step problems.
Geometry, Measure and Fractions
- Begin to measure length, capacity and weight
- Recognise coins and notes
- Tell the time to hour and half hour
- Use language of days of the week and months of the year
- Recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes
- Describe position and movement including half and quarter turns
- Recognise and use half and quarter,
- Identifying plants and trees and naming basic plant parts
- Identify and compare animals
- Name basic body parts, including humans
- Identify and compare different materials
- Observe the weather changes in each season.
Important Reminders
- That all children come to school wearing the correct uniform. This consists of grey trousers, grey or navy skirt or pinafore, white shirt or polo shirt and navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. These can be plain or with the school logo. Black school shoes should be worn.
- Please put your child's name on everything that they wear or bring in to school.
- When reading at home, it is important that you question your child on what he or she has read. Please record in your child’s diary that you have read with them every day. This will support their understanding and is also great practise of comprehension skills. For a list of suggested questions, please refer to your child's School Diary.
- Your child will be issued with a school diary. This should be brought into school every day. We are not able to check the diary every day. Please tell your child if there is a message for us and to give us their diary.
- Log-in details for online platforms used in school are placed in the front of your child’s School Diary.
- All children must have a water bottle in school. No juice please.
- Half-termly homework will be sent home at the beginning of each half term. It will be due back at the end of the half term and shared with everybody in the class.
- Maths and SPaG homework will be set every Friday. It should be brought back to school the following Friday. Your child will also bring home 10 spellings to learn every Friday and will be tested on these the following Friday.
Term Plans & yearly overview
Home Resources
If you would like to continue the development of your child’s learning. Please use the suggested resources below:
Contact Information
Your child’s School Diary is regularly updated with information regarding your child’s education, home work as well as information regarding the school. Remember to regularly check your School Diary to ensure that you receive all relevant communications from Hook Lane.
At Hook Lane we also use the My Child At School to regularly update our parents and carers on information regarding the school. To find out more about this platform please contact the school office.
Year 1 teachers are also contactable during school drop-off and pick-up times, but if you do have a pressing concern, please do contact us via the school office and we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.