Year 5
Aims and Expectations
- Imagine class have P.E. on Monday & Friday and Fearless class have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. All children must wear a full PE kit to school on these days.
- Daily: Children must read 5 times a week and write about their reading in their School Diary. If the required reading is not completed, there will be a breaktime detention or 5 minutes taken away from Reward Time. Children should also use TTRockstars daily in order to keep on top of their times tables and division knowledge.
- Half-Termly: Homework will be given out in the first week of each half term and will be due back in the first week of the next half term.
- Weekly Maths and SPaG homework will be sent out on a Friday and must be returned the following Friday. Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and the children will be tested on these the following Friday.
Reading & Writing
- Our English lessons are based on the Power of Reading scheme which allows us to select and study some exciting and challenging texts. All of our texts are linked to our topics, for example Who Let The Gods Out? by Maz Evans is linked to Ancient Greece and Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce links with our Space topic. Whilst reading these texts, we explore a range of features used, such as different themes, how the author uses writing devices and language to engage the reader and how the characters grow and develop throughout the narrative. Our reading skills are covered both in English lessons and in our Whole Class Reading sessions where we use both the core text as well as other text extracts. We include a range of extracts from different genres in these sessions, including non-fiction, poetry and songs.
- The core texts that we study give us excellent opportunities for writing across all genres including diary entries, formal and non-formal letters and poetry. We explore writing composition, grammar and punctuation skills and the use of challenging vocabulary. In Year 5, we build upon the sentence structure and grammar knowledge of previous learning by introducing a range of ambitious writing techniques including modal verbs, relative clauses and brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis. We use the editing process to help us proofread, edit and improve our drafts, both independently and with peers, before publishing them as a final piece.
- Our Maths curriculum is taught following White Rose Maths. We start the year by recapping and extending knowledge of place value up to 1,000,000 and continue to cover topic areas including arithmetic, angles, fractions and shape. By Year 5, all children should be fluent in their multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 as we start to develop an understanding of squared and cubed numbers as well as prime numbers. We use the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach in all of our lessons where we have a strong emphasis on using concrete manipulatives to show our understanding of the structure behind the maths, then moving onto drawing pictorial representations before completing calculations abstractly with limited visuals. Our lessons are designed to include fluency, reasoning and problem solving across all topic areas to deepen our understanding.
Important Reminders
- All children must come to school wearing the correct uniform. This consists of grey trousers, grey or navy skirt or pinafore, white shirt or polo shirt and navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. These can be plain or with the school logo. Black school shoes should be worn.
- Please put your child's name on everything that they wear or bring in to school.
- Painting shirts should also be in school at all times.
- All children must have a water bottle in school. No juice please.
- Children should be encouraged to read regularly. Parents/carers should foster their love of reading by regularly listening to children reading aloud. Parents/carers should enhance their reading by asking questions and discussing what they have read to promote their understanding and enjoyment.
- Children must hand their homework into school on the day it is due. All homework should be neatly presented, completed to a high standard and handed in on time.
- Parents/carers should check in with what their children are learning in school and ask them to explain vocabulary/methods in maths/ grammar terms to keep them learning at all times.
- School diaries should be brought into school every day.
- Pencil cases are allowed but children must be aware that these are their responsibility.
- Reading books from school are allowed to go home as long as they are regularly brought back in.
Term Plans & Yearly Overview
Home Resources
If you would like to continue the development of your child’s learning. Please use the suggested resources below:
Contact Information
Your child’s School Diary is regularly updated with information regarding your child’s education, home work as well as information regarding the school. Remember to regularly check your School Diary to ensure that you receive all relevant communications from Hook Lane.
At Hook Lane we also use the My Child At School to regularly update our parents and carers on information regarding the school. To find out more about this platform please contact the school office.
Year 5 teachers are also contactable during school drop-off and pick-up times, but if you do have a pressing concern, please do contact us via the school office and we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.